Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So, it seems you can teach this old dog new tricks. Learning to blog for the first time, so bear with me, please.
I guess the name needs an explanation. The word 'khitchdee' has two meanings. The first, of course, is the Indian dish made with rice and lentils - cooked together with salt and turmeric until mushy (don't knock it till you try it!). Millions of people - or should I say a billion - can't be wrong, plus it has been around since the 15th century (info courtesy wikipedia).
It also means a kind of hodge-podge and that is what my blog is about: a mishmash of tales of my travels, life in the States as a wife and a mother, plus a few random thoughts (stress on the random bit). I am using the blog as a platform to rant about things I do not like (mushrooms and massages - I know! I know! what's wrong with me?) ...and rave about the things I do (chocolate and chocolate).
Apart from the fact that I absolutely love this comfort food, I sometimes feel like a khitchdee myself. Being Indian and American, an Italophile who loves Germany and the French language, a Jeopardy addict who has to do her daily crossword and jigsaw puzzle, and go on a walk, and who loves to read and talk (again stress on the talk) makes me a potpourri-ish kind of 'madcap', to use a good old Bombay expression (and no, I will not call it Mumbai).
So, let's see how this goes...

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